
Unlimited free access to today’s newspapers and magazines in their traditional format and layout including complete editorial content, graphics, advertising, classifieds and crossword puzzles. Get the best content with more than 7,000 of the world’s top newspapers and magazines as soon as they’re available on the shelves.

Available on an Android or Apple devices and your web browser

PressReader Quick Start Guide

PressReader Help

Check out the features of the Pressreader app in this video:

Step 1: Download the app on your favourite device. Available on Android and Apple devices, and through your web browser.

Step 2: When Signing up select 'Sign In' then 'Library or Group' and search for 'Feilding Public Library.'

Step 3: Please have your Library Card Number at the ready and your pin.

Once signed in you will now have unlimited free access on any device. If you have any issues logging in or getting started, please contact us or come and visit.